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Hunters Hill By Laws



This organization shall be  know as Hunters Hill Home Owners Association ("Association" for short). a non-profict organization organized and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee.




The objectives of the Associations shall be:


Section 1:  To implement through joint efforts of all owners of single-family dwellings located within Hunters Hill Subdivision, Blount County, Tennessee, an exemplary community which will combine change with trafiton and beauty with functional advancement, while preserving the natural serenity of the gently rolling East Tennessee countryside in which it is situated.


Section 2:  To achieve a high quality of life for those residing in Hunters Hill Subdivisioin through joint effort.


Section 3:  To foster an maintain through join effort, the beautificatioin of individual and common property: the safety and security of homeowners, children and property; effective traffic safety measures to protect predestrians, vehicle users of public roadways and personal property adjacent to such roadways.


Section 4:  To foster and maintain cooperative efforts with neighboring homeowner associations.


Section 5:  To foster effective measures to improve common services including fire protection and garbage collection, and the improvement of the furnishing of water, gas, telephone, electricity service and police protection.




Any resident or property owner in Hunters Hill Subdivision is a member in the Association.




Section 1:  All members of the Association are subject to annual and special dues as approved by the Association members.


Section 2:  All members of the Association shall aide by the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions as recorded January 10, 1996, Map File Cabinet 1268A, in the Register's Office for Blount County, Tennessee, and such subsequent restrictions applying to all sections throughout Hunters Hill Subdivisioin.


Section 3:  Only those homeowners whose dues are paid for the current fiscal year are eligible to vote.  Only a single vote per individual dwelling is allowed.




Section 1:  The Board of the Association shall consist of 3 voting members of the association, filling executive, financial and administrative duties.


Section 2:  The Board shall be elected at the Summer Meeting of the Associatioin by the majority of the voting members present.


Sectioin 3:  The term of office shall be once year commencing August 1st. 


Section 4:  Vacancies of the Board shall be filled by appoitment by the remaing Board members, and the appointee will hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term.


Section 5:  Only one member of a household may serve on the Board for any given term.




The Board shall perform the duties prescribed in this article and such others as adopted by the Association and,


*shall record in a book kept for that purpose the nmaes of all members of the Association together with their addresses as registerd by such members;

*shall distribute pamphlets, notices and/or circulars as the Board of Association my direct.

*shall have chazsrge of the receipt of funds of the Association;

*shall deposit in appropriate bank accounts to the credit of the Association all monies of the Association and shall disburse such funds as directed by resolution of the board;

*shall take bids and contracts eith businesses in the upkeep of the common area; and,




Section 1:  The regular meeting of the Association shall be for the purpose of receiveing reports from the Board; for establishing programs and budgest in furtherance of the objectives of the Association; and for any other business that many arise.  The regular annual meetings of the Association will be held 2 times per year (Summer and Winter) eith notice being given to the members at least 5 days in advance of the meetings.  A simple majority of voting members present shall be considered sufficient to transact business at the regular meetings.


Section 2:  Special meetins of the Association shal lbe called by the Board upon written request of one-forth or nore of the voting members of the Association.  No less that 5 days notice of special meeting shall be given, and only that business  specified in the call may be transacted.  Twenty percent of the voting members shall constitute a quorum at any special meeting of the Association thus called.  The Board shall have the power to call special meetins fo the Association whenever it seems necessary.




Section 1:  The fiscal year of the Association shall be 1 August to 31 July.  The annual budget shall cover the fiscal year and shall be prepared on the basis of dues payable for the coming fiscal year.


Section 2:  Annual dues shall be decided upon at the Summer meeting of the Association by the majority of voting members present.  The current annual Association dues for the voting members shall be forty dollars ($40.00) per single family dwelling, payable to the Board during the annual membership drive from June 1 to August 1.  In addition to levying annual dues, the Association may levy special dues as the occasion mertis with the approval of voting members present.




Sectioin 1:  These By-Laws may be amended at any special meeting fo the Association called for that purpose of at the regular meetings of the Association.  Notice of change shall be made available to the members 5 days in advance of the meeting.


Section 2:  Unless otherwise provided prior to its adoptionor in the motion to adopt, an amendment shall become effictive upone adjournment of the meeting at which it is adopted.






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