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UPDATE: 4/21/17

We now have Speed Limit Sign Posted!  Please pay attention to your speed.





Warm Weather


Hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having.


Now that the weather is warm and staying so for the most part, children and neightbors are out more.  Please watch out for the children and our neighbors that enjoy getting out to walk.



Parents, please talk with your children about being respectful to our neighbors yards. Some spend a lot of time planting and seeding their yards and prefer that people/children do not walk through them and crumple the flowers down.


Although there is no speed limit posted, speed should not be over 25-30. We have several complaints of traffic going well over 30. Please be aware of your speed when entering the subdivision.


Animals.... Some have fur babies and some do not and that perfectly ok. If you walk you fur babies, please clean up after them and do not allow them to use the bathroom in your neighbors yard and/or on their flowers. Neighbors work hard to keep their yards looking nice. Also, if you have cats, please keep them in at night so they do not roam the neighborhood or claw on neighbors window and rip their window screens.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at your convenience.

Suzanne Hill















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